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Informed Consent Form for Program Evaluation Research

Consent Form for Research

“Restoring Home Parent Line”

Parental Restorative Leadership Development & Coaching Programming


You are invited to participate in a study focused on parents/caregivers with youth struggling with chronic absenteeism or truancy. This program evaluation is designed to evaluate the Restoring Home Parent Line aiming to understand the effects of Restorative Leadership Development & Coaching on parents/caregivers with youth struggling with chronic absenteeism/truancy. This study involves collecting confidential parent feedback at the beginning and conclusion of a nine week period through e-surveys.  By joining, you are helping us understand what impact the program has while parenting your teen. We hope to provide practical leadership development and coaching to you related to conflict (i.e. primarily focused on parental reactivity, anxiety, and skill building) to support your leadership. Your selection as a possible parent or caregiver participant is based on your student's age (12-17) and their struggle with chronic absenteeism/truancy from our affiliated partners. This research, conducted and funded in part by The Katallasso Group for a Doctor of Ministry thesis at Bethel Seminary & University in St. Paul, MN, as well as Ramsey County Public Health Opioid Grant offering you a unique opportunity to develop as a parent leader. 


The Restoring Home Parent Line programming offers a safe and anonymous community for parents of teens in three ways.  Parents can engage with any or all of the options.

  1. Join a private SMS group to receive daily encouragement, support, and practical resources relevant to daily life raising teens. 

  2. Receive weekly podcast content delivered via the private SMS group to explore topics with experts such as substance abuse, mental health, conflict, and more. 

  3. Weekday anonymous coaching call, delivered through the chosen platform GroupMe, to receive live and anonymous parent coaching from a volunteer Restorative Family Mediator. 


All three aspects of the Parent Line are hosted on GroupMe and parents can request access to the platform at no cost. Upon admittance to the private group, each parent will be prompted to add an alias name to protect their anonymity both in SMS and coaching calls. Parents can opt in and out of the Parent Line at any time.


This research will analyze the impact of the Restoring Home Parent Line on parents for three attributes of the leader’s defining self: in a leadership role within their family system, in leveraging neutrality and maintaining calm connectedness, and in managing and planning for negative feedback. This will be accomplished in two e-surveys at the beginning of entering programming and at the conclusion of the first academic quarter. 


If you decide to participate in the study, we will invite you to voluntarily complete: 

  1. A pre-survey at the beginning of entering the programming to understand what type of conflict you are experiencing with your teen and how you are currently responding.

  2. A post-survey near the end of the first school quarter (November 1, 2024) to learn more about how your parenting practices changed after participating to any degree in the Restoring Home Parent Line programming. 


Your privacy is my utmost priority. I assure you that your information will be kept confidential through the collection and storage of data in a secure password-based account with Qualtrics and on a backed-up, separate hard drive with controlled access by password with the statistician and with The Katallasso Group. Qualtrics is an online data collection tool used to distribute surveys and collect responses. I will also aim to avoid deductive disclosure by protecting participants' identifying information so it is unidentifiable including the use of pseudonyms and limited demographic descriptions which can help "mask" identities, and present qualitative data at the level of broad themes across the open-ended textbox responses on the survey. Quantitative data will be presented at the group level. This signed consent form, should you choose to sign it is required for human study research, will be the only identifying document captured, encrypted, and stored separately. The survey is provided upon completion of the consent form. Both e-surveys will collect parent zip code and family demographics, conflict issues and responses, and parent leadership skills. Because the research is being conducted for dissertation purposes by the CEO of The Katallasso Group, it is necessary to retain an unbiased and an independent statistician. The e-surveys will be sent through the private SMS group but the statistician “The Dissertation Coach” will collect, compare, analyze, evaluate, and report survey results and data collected by parent submissions of the two surveys. The statistician will provide the reported survey results and data to The Katallasso Group for written reports or publications for the study. Results of programming and effectiveness will be published in a doctoral thesis document (at Bethel University) and available for the public. A copy of the program evaluation results will also be shared with Ramsey County Public Health. Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the entire research process including the  reporting of results by using pseudonyms and limited demographic descriptions to “mask” identities or presented at a group level for demographic data.

Risks: At any time, individuals or participants who experience stress or emotional discomfort during the Restoring Home Parent Line program, they can access support services such as the NAMI Helpline available Monday through Friday, 10am-10pm EST 1-800-950-NAMI, text “helpline” to 62640 or email to get personalized support and resources. Participants should also call 911 if an emergency arises. These resources will be provided intermittently within the SMS group throughout the academic year and announced at the beginning of every coaching call.


Your decision whether or not to participate will not affect your relations with The Katallasso Group in any way. You may choose to not participate in the parent line research and still be able access the parent line program to receive our services. If you decide to participate, you can discontinue participation without affecting such relationships.  


Bethel's Levels of Review for Research with Humans has reviewed and approved this research project. If you have any questions about the research and/or research participants' rights or wish to report a research-related injury, please email Lisa Welter or Bethel University Thesis Advisor, Dr. Jeanine Parolini  

You will be offered a copy of this form to keep. 



You are making a decision whether or not to participate in our program evaluation research. Your signature indicates that you have read the information provided above and have decided to participate in our surveys. A survey will be provided to you after signing this form to move forward into the survey. You may withdraw at any time without prejudice by closing your web browser or window after signing this form should you choose to discontinue participation in this study. 

Thank you so much for your willingness to participate in our research to provide effective support to parents. We couldn't do this without you!


With gratitude, 




Lisa J. Welter, Founder/CEO

The Katallasso Group

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